Monday, August 30, 2010

A time for firsts......

As mentioned in my previous post, my coworker and her mother encouraged me (cannot say no here) to do a whitening face mask... I was pretty terrified I would look like a chubby pale leopard when I pealed the mask off. Can't you see the fear?

On a less dramatic note, I have moved into my apartment! It is so nice and spacious..... but before I tell you about that, let me tell you about all of the firsts I had this weekend. Saturday was move-in day. My coworker, her boyfriend, and I all came over to the apartment with cleaning supplies in hand. The former tenants left and we cleaned fairly quickly. Then we went back and got all of my bags. It was nice to officially be in my apartment, although I miss my coworker's mom and really appreciated how well she took care of me. I spent several hours unpacking my belongings before venturing out onto the streets alone in search of food. I managed to get some and headed back to my less confusing and intimidating apartment. A couple hours later the former tenants returned and took me out to La Festa (the large shopping/nightlife area outside my apartment) for drinks and to meet other foreigners. It was a lot of fun just talking and drinking and not wondering what people were saying! I left to go home around 3 am and much to my dismay it was POURING rain. I didn't bring my purse so of course I did not have an umbrella. Within 5 minutes I was soaked from head to toe. That was fine except that I am already pretty tired of the humidity, so my clothes sticking to me when they were wet made it even worse. Regardless, Saturday was very fun and I was glad to meet some fellow foreigners. It might sound bad, but I think they will keep me sane here. Sunday I was woken up by the phone. I nearly died creeping down the steep stares. The former English teacher and her fiance invited me to Sinchon with them for the day. I was all excited until I found out that I had to get the bus by myself. My knowledge of the Korean language is essentially non-existant so this was a very intimidating exercise. Luckily I was given great directions and managed to meet up with everyone in the right place. We had delicious Chinese lamb and lots of beer and soju for supper and then headed off to a theme bar for hours. We left Sinchon around midnight and took a cab back to Ilsan. It was nice to not think about where we were going. Everyone agreed that "hangover soup" was necessary at that point, so we went to a 24 hour soup restaurant across the street from my apartment and ate the bone soup. It was pretty good and I didn't have a headache when I woke up, but I don't know how well it cures hangovers.

So over the weekend here were my firsts:
- saw my apartment for the FIRST time
- got food by myself for the FIRST time
- rode in a bus alone for the FIRST time
- rode in a taxi in south korea for the FIRST time
- hung out with BUNCHES of Canadian and British people and of course a kiwi and a few Americans and Koreans ...... for the FIRST time

Today was the biggest first of all (or so I thought). I was to become Angela Teacher today. The students were going to be taught English by yours truly. It was so exciting I could barely stand it. Once I got to school though, they asked me to write 10 essay questions about Toy Story 3. They decided that the students deserved a day off and I needed a day or two to get my affairs in order. I was a little disappointed I did not get to teach really today and won't get to tomorrow either, but at least now when I do get to teach I will not look like a fool. I did have a nice and sweaty walk to and from school between huge apartments. It was pretty calming even though sweat was dripping in my eyes every now and again. So I recently have had several big firsts. The last first I will show you is the video I took of my apartment. It is a beautiful apartment and I am terrible at taking vido. Regardless, I hope you enjoy the insight. The link is below for you to enjoy!


  1. we love it all! Congratulations on all those firsts. You're amazing! We love you. Keep the fun coming.

  2. I LOVE the picture of you in the mask. Im glad to here things are going good so far. Ill talk to you tonite when we skype. LOVE YOU SISSY <3
