Friday, September 10, 2010

I am SO brave!

It has been raining pretty heavily for the past two days. I hate it. Everyone does. And the more it rains, the higher the humidity levels get. It's pretty terrible. What makes me hate the rain even more is the fact that I walk to school every day. The walk is probably one of the best walks anyone could ask for in a Korean city. It is a walking trail with trees, street vendors, and preschools. Unfortunately (when it rains), my beautiful 35 minute walk to school and then again back from school is torture. The path is paved but it is not even so there are often giant puddles. And it rains so much here that even a golf umbrella starts to leak after about 20 minutes. So, I get soaked. Which leads me to how I was so brave today. Today I rode in a taxi twice by myself! Yesterday I did not even know what to say to a taxi driver, but today I sucessfully got to and from school with no problems. I am so proud of myself. When it is barely raining, or nice out, I will still walk. But it is a relief to know that I know have the option to ride in a taxi if I need to. This might come in handy in the winter, and it will definitely come in handy during the next monsoon season.

On another note, my students gave me a Korean name today. It is Jung So-Ra. They thought it would be nice if I got to have two names too. I cannot write it in Korean with my computer, but here is what it looks like. Most of my students have English names in addition to their Korean names. What is nice is that the students can change their English names. They are so fluid. I think for now I will be Jung So-Ra and maybe later something else. A few of my students only have Korean names. They do not seem interested in having English names. I feel really bad because I can never pronounce their names correctly. Korean names, when written in English, are not pronounced the way they are written. I have tried writing the names phonetically, but I still suck. Eventually I will get their names, if they don't all leave the school before I do.

I have two really nice coworkers. One is a boy four years older than me. He helps me with everything! And he orders me dinner every time I don't bring something. Here is the soup I had for dinner yesterday. It was great, except I didn't have a very good handle on the noodles. If I tried to eat them with chopsticks, they were very sloppy and slippery. Eventually I just sort of cut the noodles with my spoon and ate them that way. The soup had noodles, half an egg, mussels, octopus, shrimp, crab, and some weird bread/fat like stuff that was fried. It was very good! The girls I work with have some idea that we will date, but I just started an office rumor that I am going on dates with someone else. I would rather them think that then get it in their heads I want to date my office helper. My other nice coworker is the girl whose house I stayed at. She gave me a ride home yesterday in the first downpour. I was so thankful! And we will be designing a speaking class that I will be teaching together. I am really excited about this speaking class. It should be a lot of fun because it is the highest level elementary students. I cannot wait (minus the extra work)!

On a final note for the evening, I thought I would tell you a bit about my classes. I currently have 8 classes, and have between 50-60 students total. My classes range from students who can read/write/comprehend/speak a little to students who are reading about evolution vs. creationism. My smallest classes have 4 students and the largest class has 14. All of the kids are a lot of fun, although a few of them drive me crazy! I will be taking pictures of them soon and maybe I will post a couple pictures here. My students have to write very strange essays sometimes for the book series that we follow. Here is the original version of my favorite essay so far (topic was - What animal is most misunderstood?):

Class: M302
"There are many misunderstand animals in the world. Wolves, snacks or human and etc. I think misunderstand animal is human. Other country people think korean people eat everything But. I think this it misunderstand.

First, the human never eat everyting. Human eat just pigs, cows, chickens and dogs. Not more eat. I think human eat everything is misunderstood. So, I don't think this is not true. And people almost don't eat dogs, too.!!

Second, the human don't like eat dogs. Ofcourse, human think eat dogs is health for we. But human don't like eat cute dogs. Don't you think so?? I think like that.

So, I think human is really misunderstood animal. I would tell another people human is not eat everything and not like eat everything. I hope another people known this truth."

This is my life folks! I love trying to decipher things like "So, I don't think this is not true." The students all work really hard, for the most part, and I think they do a great job. As long as I can figure out how to teach them, it will be a great year!


  1. I don't think this blog is not true either. :)

  2. Haha. I really enjoy this essay, and I think you should continue to post samples sometimes. Also, I'm glad to hear about your phantom boyfriend. All that I can say is I hope he's Jewish. =]

  3. Haha there are a few Jews here but mostly they are taken... or girls. I told the coworkers that he was an American. They didn't even ask what state! It's a good thing, because if they had asked I would have to remember one more thing about him. I don't even have a name for him. He is just the "cute boy" to them!
